I have also ordered some lovely wallpaper for the passage ways and shop from Sid Cooke and the most glorious parquet floor kit.
I had intended to tile the roof this weekend but my time was taken up by the windows.............................
Simply glue the plastic window frames into the openings said the instruction manual.
Well the small windows fitted like a dream and I just popped them in with a touch of pva. Then I came to the large windows. Quite simply they didnt fit ! The window openings were 2 mm smaller than the plastic windows !!!!
If you have never tried sanding a tiny rebate on a window opening of a built dolls house you have never known true frustration !
In the end I rolled my sandpaper round a slim pencil and then rolled the pencil round and round the rebate.
Eventually I managed to widen the gap slightly but there was just no way I could find to satisfactorily increase the gap.
I managed to wedge the windows in tightly,. So tightly that they wouldnt come back out . If forced too much I think the plastic would snap .
So my two windows on the front of the house are ever so very slightly bowed. Nobody who has seen it has noticed but I know it is so, which is a bit frustrating.
Never mind, I will put it down to character !
I decided to attach the front with the hinges provided which was easy and then stand the house upright and attach the chimney.
Despite the window problem I have to say it looks perfect. I think I will add a drainpipe down the right hand side and some guttering .
Hope my bricks arrive soon !
julie xxx
Gosh, I missed a couple of days and you've done loads.Slow down woman your be putting us all to shame..LOL
It does look wonderful Julie and you've done a superb job of the brick laying..
LOL Debbie, I have a fair on 28th feb and a lot of dolls to make for it (followed by one every month until june !) so I will be working on this in the evenings only from now on.
Will be forced to slow down but its been nice taking time out to get a head start :0)
julie xxx
Its pretty amazing how fast you have done this....it is looking wonderful
Its coming along lovely, if rather speedily!! We had the same problem with the lower floor bow windows on the Coxswold, they didn't snap, but were so tight fitting, we thought they may!
I agree, it's looks absolutely perfect :0)
Following your new blog, I am itching to start a new project myself. I am trying hard to resist, lack of funds and space, but I have been looking ;0)
Julia xx
Glorious!! I love it! You've done a wonderful job! I'm put to shame at your speed! lol You must work all night...and day! Lol I envy your speed! ;o)
I know what you mean by having to sand tiny little nooks and crannies! The Sid Cooke conservatory I'm currently building has some VERY small detailing in the window frames that needs to be sanded. Luckily a few months back I bought a 'metal needle file set' and they are shaped differently at the end, so you just select the one you need...PERFECT! I have also rolled/curled up sand paper before now, emery boards are great too! lol
Michelle xxx
It looks fantastic, Julie.
I had the exact same problem many years ago with my firstShop windows - no-one ever noticed or if they did, they didn't comment, lol!
Thanks julie :0) I've had a lot of fun with it so far .
Hi Julia, its scary forcing plastic wondows into little gaps isnt it ! look forward to seeing wether you give in totemptation :0)
Hi Michelle, I have one of those needle file sets !! had forgotten all about it until you mentioned yours LOL could have saved myself at least 3 hours with the pencil !!
Lol mags, hopefully no one will notice mine either !
julie xxx
He He bet youve never been told off for being too quick Julie, its excellent to see such motivation, inspires us all!! Looking amazing, can see why you are so keen to get those outside things finished so you can start the REALLY fun part , the inside. Saying that looks like youve had immense fun so far! Cant wait to see how you do the lettering for the shop sign. I bought gold letters but not sure if I will trace the lettering and do it in gold fine pen? Not too steady a hand for painting it, how about you? Kate xx
Wow you are just blasting through this kit! I wish I could be moving along that quickly! I have had a couple pieces not fit.... and since we do not have all the tools we want we have to wait until our neighbors are free for us to borrow theirs! Such a pain! BUt you're right! You can't tell they are bowed and everthing looks amazing!! hugs, ara
LOL kate thats true !
I dont know what todo yet for the sign. I might print out wording in a nice font then trace and paint it, or I might look at transfers too. My daugher and her boyfriend met at art college and are both talented artists so I might just hint hard LOL
julie xxx
Hi Ara, its so frustrating when the pieces dont fit but as long as you keep cool it usually works out :0)
I'm still waiting for more supplies to finish the outside so am now working on the inside,struggling now with tricky stair rails !
julie xxx
A very grand looking house and you are making such good progress. Will be interesting to see how the project turns out.
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