Well, after my get up and go got up and left me yesterday, I decided to take a skivy day today !
I should be busy making dolls , but instead I decided to work on the Emporium instead, they say a change is as good as a rest and I do feel much better now :0)
So here we have UncleMort's workshop.
The first picture shows it undercoated and half assembled.
I have been painting it, one coat per night this week and today the final coat was dry and I was able to distress it a little.
I didnt want it to look too distressed, just a little worn and dirty round the edges on the outside.I will take some proper photos of the outside when the roof section is finished.
The inside is still clean for now, I will be adding workbenches and shelving and will dirty up the inside when that is all in place. I will also be putting in skirting boards with sockets for lighting.
In this picture I have just stained the floor and it is still drying out. There will be sawdust on the floor when the workshop is completed.
In this picture I have just stained the floor and it is still drying out. There will be sawdust on the floor when the workshop is completed.
As the paintwork was completed, I attached the workshop to the back of the shop.
You may remember the tradesmans entrance leads to a cubby hole with a door inside.
You may remember the tradesmans entrance leads to a cubby hole with a door inside.
Well that door leads to the workshop !
So I have placed a corresponding door on the outside of the shop and inside the workshop.
This pleases me, I know the door can't actually be opened but in an imaginary world it would open and thats good enough for me .
I am delighted that the whole building with workshop attached can still turn 360 degrees . From the front it looks like a shop, then you turn it round and surprise ! Its a workshop !
I love that it is almost two different houses now, front and back !
The roof will be tiled to match the roof on the shop and it hasnt got its windows in place yet but I have balanced it on just for show :0)
The roof will be tiled to match the roof on the shop and it hasnt got its windows in place yet but I have balanced it on just for show :0)
Ta da ! here it is !!!
Hmmmm not very cunning I hear you say, its just an outdoor toilet, now what is cunning about that ?
Hmmmm not very cunning I hear you say, its just an outdoor toilet, now what is cunning about that ?
Well take a look at the next photo.......................................
As my house is viewablefrom the front ,sides and back I was a bit worried about how to do the lighting.
My other dolls houses have lighting strips and wires on the back , this is fine when the back is against a wall but would look very ugly in this case.
Then I was tidying the shed and came across my miniature outdoor toilet................... the cunning plan was hatched :0)
I would simply hide the socket strip inside the toilet and the wiring would be hidden under the bricks that will go on the back of the house !
I want to purchase all my lights and make sure there are enough sockets on this strip, it may need an extra strip in there yet.
But I have taken a photo to show how it will look in place on the back of the house.
I love this plan as the living accomodation above the shop has no bathroom.
I know this isnt real LOL but I just have to have things with a sense of realism and Belle and Uncle Mort had nowhere to "go " !
So the addition of the outdoor toilet solves both that problem and my wiring one, a cunning plan indeed !
Tomorrow I will be back in the shed making dolls, I am exhibiting at ScottishMiniatura in just 2 weeks time so I am going to be very busy and may not post here until after the fair , but after that I have a little time when I can work more on the Emporium and I am really looking forward to finishing the building work .
julie xxx