I am so excited that Sue from Pastmastery has agreed to make a very special dummy board for my shop window. Visit Sue's blog http://pastmastery.wordpress.com/ to watch the progress of this ! You have all seen the little girl on her rocking horse in my side bar. This is the inspiration behind the dummy board which will sit in the shop window and form a beautiful backdrop to the window display.
Sues blog is fascinating, if you dont know much about dummy boards you will learn so much and if you have a dolls house I just bet you will want one of your own !
I'm on tenterhooks waiting to see mine :0)
I have been working on my parquet floor this week. I have painted each tile with a thin layer of paint so the wood shows through and laid most of them. Just the tiny jigsaw pieces of the centre detail to paint and glue. To be totally honest I havent a clue how the bits fit in LOL they are tiny and I am baffled so will leave it until I am feeling very enthusiastic ! I will wax the entire floor once its all in place.
I glued each piece down despite the instructions to use doublesided sticky tape. I dont trust that to stick forever ................ Of course the parquet tiles are very thin wood so they immediately curled at the edges. This is where my antique weighing scales came in very handy ! They have metal weights which I used to weigh down the tiles as I went along . The result as you can see is really nice, just the effect I wanted and I think it lends a fairytale touch to the toyshop. I just cant wait to fill this up with gorgeous toys !!
julie xxx
Beautiful parquet! I love the pattern in the centre of it! Great job:)
The flooring is amazing, it's truly lovely and it blends so well with the rest of the decor and design. :o)) I agree, tape of that kind (and most kinds), deteriorates in little or no time at all, so yes, best to use a good glue! :o) I can't wait to see this 'board'! Off to have a peek at the blog now!
Michelle xxx
the floor is stunning! I am going to be brave and finally ask - what kind of wax do you use to wax the dollhouse floor? I see others post before that they have waxed their floor when done and never have asked what they are using. I cannot wait to see the dummy board- just had a quick peek at Sue's blog and she is very talented! You must be so excited!
Thanks old maid, I love the centre piece too, just hopeI can fit those pieces in right !
Hi Michelle, thanks,I'm really happy with the effect,well worth the time invested :0)
Hi Kim, I use beeswax. You can buy pots from the diy shop and you just rub a littleonthen buff it up with a soft cloth.It looks great and protects the wood too :0)
julie xxx
The floor is looking great so far! I used glue on mine but didnt weigh it down, maybe thats why its dried so unevenly?.... back to the beginning methinks for me!
Thank you Julie! I have some beeswax- never thought this is what was meant! I am excited to try it out now!
Lovely floor with that star centerpiece! It makes the whole room come together. I use wax on my floors too, I love the natural shine of it and as a bonus it smeels nice too!
Wow Julie this is fab!!! It really is looking French shabby chic!! Love Jain xx
Love the floor Julie. Looks wonderful. Can't wait to see the Dummy Board..xx
I love the floor Julie and I cant wait to see the dummy board either.
Debie xxx
Everything is coming together beautifully Julie. The floor is going to be georgeous. I never heard of a dummy board before so thanks for turning me on to them. Looking forward to further updates.
Julie¡¡¡ beautiful parquet¡¡¡ The centre star is perfect. Great job¡¡¡
Oh my! What a beautiful floor! I love the star, so whimsical!
By the way, I have an award for you on my blog ;)
Julie - It was lovely to meet you on Sunday at the Glasgow fair. I'm impressed with your floor - it's going to look great when it's complete with just a soft sheen.
I have a dummy board in my Hambleton Hall - she's on the top landing of the hall. Not a Past Mastery one, I may add but I liked her as a little touch. She's also on the little pic I use for blogs.
Beautiful floor - floors can really pull together a room! I would have used glue too!
There is the award waiting for you on my blog :) Hope You will like it
1stly, thank you, Julie for the link and the introduction to me of a "dummy board". I have just bought 2 paper theatre from a museum in Innsbruck and saw how they were selling a paper version of some of these dummy boards for the nativity scene. Now I know..I love Sue's blog. She is insightful and funny.
2ndly, that centrepiece for the floor is such a brilliant stroke. Even before you have completed it, the floor already looks amazing.
All the best to your show or is it over already?
Thanks Kassandra and thank you formy lovely award too :0)
Hi Irene,it was really nice to meet you on sunday :0) I've always liked your avatar and had a feeling you were a fellow dummy board enthusiast !
Hi Ara, Yes I dont think the sticky tape would have done the trick .....can imagine little bits popping off allover the place !
julie xx
Thanks everyone for all the lovely comments :0)
Thanbks too old maid for my blog award :0)
Sans, I just love Sues blog, its just so interesting !!
julie xxx
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